V. 56 (IІ).


Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding. – 2014. – V. 56 (IІ).




The inheritance of the duration of the vegetation period in interspecific hybrids soybean

A. Voloshchuk, I. Voloshchuk, V. Hlyva, G. Hereshko, O. Sluchak
Influence of plant growth regulators to stimulate germination of seeds of winter wheat

Kobyrenko Y.
Biodiversity phytocoenoses degenerate grasslands in the process of renovation

V. Lopushniak, B. Kostyuk, G. Hrytsulyak
The dynamics of content humus and nitrogen alkaline hydrolyzed forms in sod-podzolic soils under the influence of fertilizer energy willow sewage sludge

A. Marukhnyak, A. Datsko, Y. Lisova, G. Marukhnyak
Stability of performance indicators and grain proteins in oat genotypes

Matiash N.
The effects of bacterial products on the botanical composition of annual legume-grass mixtures

Melnyk M. The impact of grazing use on the change in the density of multi-temporal ripening cereal-legume grass mixture

M. Naumenko, A. Myhalevych, I. Panasyuk, T. Petrenko
The influence of backgrounds fertilizers,microbiological preparation and fertilizer on yield crops in organic farming of western woodland

G. Panakhyd, U. Kotyash, G. Konyk, М. Yarmolyuk
Impact of long term use of grasslands on their forage productivity

G. Petrinа, N. Rudavska, J. Havriliak, V. Fedak
Maize hybrids in conditions of Lviv region

L. Pryimachuk, E. Todosyuk
Basic collection of red currents

Rovna O.
Product quality linseed depending on the norms of sowing and harvesting time

Tkachenko L.
The formation of the productivity of winter triticale depending on the using of biologics in the western forest-steppe

Tryhuba O.
The accumulation of oil in the seeds of plants of Lupinus albus L. for the actions of growth regulators and microbial preparations


Tsyganskiy V.

Symbiotic productivity of lucerne of sort synyucha depending on agrobiological methods of cultivation in the right bank forest steppe

Chernetska S.
Dynamics of increase of planrs height triticale and vetch spring at join cultivation

R. Shevchuk, H. Rovna, H. Kiriyenko
The productivity of winter rape depending on different levels of fertilizer


V. Agiy, K. Shebeshtyen-Berda, T. Durdynets, N. Fedak
Correction of mineral nutrition and its impact on metabolic and economic indicators sheep

V. Burya, J. Vysochansky, M. hrabovensky, O.Shylkin, V. Fedak
Evaluation of exterior brown Carpathian cattle at the present stage of its cultivation in the conditions of Transcarpathia

I. Dushara, N. Fedak, Y. Vovk
Rumen metabolism in milch cow when feeding a new feed additive in the composition of the silage-concentrated rations

Dyachenko A.
Influence of tissue preparation on the state of humoral non-specific resistance of cows in the pre-and post-natal period

Kogut М.
Evalution of bulls-sires on the body type of their daughters

M. Kogut, V. Bratyuk
Productive characteristics of different daughters of bulls

А. Pochukalin, S. Priyma
Promising direction breeding for families in beef cattle

Saranchuk I.
The content of greasy acids in tissues of the breast of melliferous bees for impact summer maintenance and ecological conditions of environmental

G. Sedilo, S. Vovk, V. Kaplinskiy, M. Homyk
Productive and metabolic additive action of perlite in ration of young sheep

G. Sedilo, S. Vovk, V. Pundyk, G. Tesak
Features of feeding piglets before weaning from sows

G. Sedilo, G.Konyk, V. Kaplins’ky, L. Bugryn, V. Savchak, T. Fochak, O. Mahur, S. Dolyns’ra, H. Solopatych
Conceptual approaches to industrialization family farms of producing milk in Lviv region

G. Sedilo, M. Petriv, L. Sloboda, N. Zahorets, G. Tesak, M. Homyk
Slaughter indicators of young geese in Obroshyno for reproduction “in itself”

G. Sedilo, V. Pundyk, G. Tesak
Evaluation of boars and sows Poltavska meat breed on indicators “own performance” of young animals by method of control breeding

Sedilo, L. Sloboda, M. Petriv, N. Zahorets, G. Tesak, M. Homyk
Reproductive and feather-down quality of geese in Obroshyno for feeding “in itself”

I. Skorokhid, O. Garmadiy, M. Vorobel, H. Telushko
Effects of homeopathic preparations on nonspecific resistance of dairy cows

V. Fedak, M. Kogut, V. Bratyuk, N. Fedak
Postnatal development of forming meat productivity in bulls-sons of promising breeding bulls of the Ukrainian black-speckled breast breed of the western interbreed type

N. Fedak, Ya. Vovk
Macromineral composition of the feed in the state enterprise “RA “Radekhiv”

S. Chumachenko, N. Fedak, N. Kravchenko, L. Bozhok
Probiotic preparations in the ensiling of green fodder

T. Boivka, B. Vrydnyk, O. Polulikh, O. Orel Some aspects of testing the latest scientific developments and bring them to innovation

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Твір "FOOTHILL AND MOUNTAIN AGRICULTURE AND STOCKBREEDING", створений Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection of the Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian region NAAS, ліцензовано на умовах Ліцензії Creative Commons Зазначення Авторства 4.0 Міжнародна.