Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding founded in 1967 .
ISSN 0130-8521: e ISSN 2786-5231
The collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine. Сollection is assigned to category “B” by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 886 dated 02.07.2020. It was assigned in the field of knowledge “Agricultural sciences” in specialties 201, 204, 211. Certificate of state registration: № 24025-13865 R dated 05.07.2019. Language of edition: in mixed languages: Ukrainian, English.
The collection publishes original articles on topical issues of crop production, agriculture, fodder production, agrochemistry, selection, seed production, plant protection, physiology, biochemistry, animal feeding, breeding and selection of animals. The collection is intended for researchers, students, postgraduate students, teachers of higher educational institutions and agricultural specialists.
The collection “Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding” is an open access publication, which means that all content is available to the user or his institution free of charge. Users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full texts of articles or use them for any other legitimate purpose without the prior permission of the publisher or author.
Frequency of issue – 4 times a year. The journal is published by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region NAAS.
The editorial board considers the inclusion in the international abstract and scientometric databases, including Scopus and Web of Science, as a priority direction of development.
The cost of publishing an article in the collection is free.
Articles written in English at a high professional level have priority during review and publication.
We invite everyone to cooperate with our publication and offer to publish your articles.
Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection included in
the international scientometric databases and catalogs: