VOLUME (73)-1
Volume 73, Issue 1
and plant growing
Prystаtskа О. N., Bіlоvus H. Ya., Vаshchyshyn О. А., Vоlоshchuk І. S.
Features of diseases of winter rape in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-1 PDF
Buhryn O. M., Buhryn L. M., Partyka T. V., Pukalo D. L.
Assessment of organic production of raw forage materials depending on the composition of meadow agrophytocenosis
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-2 PDF
Voytovyk М. V.
Accumulation of soil residues in short rotation crop rotations
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-3 PDF
Havryshko O. S., Olifir Yu. M., Habryiel A. Y., Partyka T. V.
Comparative analysis of changes in properties of light-gray forestal surface-gleyed soil in different crop rotations under long-term anthropogenic influence
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-4 PDF
Zelia A. H., Havryliuk A. T., Ilchuk R. V., Vavrynovych O. V., Zelia H. V., Ilchuk Yu. R., Burkut V. I.
Membrane exoosmosis as an indicator for determining drought resistance of potato hybrids
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-5 PDF
Tyrus M. L., Lykhochvor V. V.
The yield of amaranth depending on the variety and sowing rate in conditions of sufficient moisture
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-6 PDF
Antonenko S. F., Piskun V. I., Zolotarov A. P., Osypenko T. L., Admina N. H., Kuzmenko L. M.
Technological techniques for preparing heifers for the next lactation using udder massage
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-7 PDF
Vorobel M. I.
Emission of harmful gases from chicken manure when using different doses of biopreparation Scarabei
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-8 PDF
Klym O. Ya., Vorobel M. I., Kovalskyi Yu. V., Rivis Y. F., Kaplinskyi V. V., Androshulik R. L.
Nutritional value and modern approaches to the usage of the bee pollen
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-9 PDF
Petriv M. D., Ferents L. V., Fedak N. M.
Fattening and meat quality of obroshyn gray geese when crossed with a large gray breed
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-10 PDF
Pundyk V. P.
Breed composition and quantity of pigs population in the western region of Ukraine and development of interbreed
DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-11 PDF