VOLUME (74)-1




and plant growing


Voitovyk M. V.

Pollution of sunflower agrocenoses in short rotation crop rotations

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-1   Pdf PDF

Voloshchuk M. Yu.

Field germination of white mustard seeds depending on agrotechnical measures

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-2   Pdf PDF

Ilchuk R. V., Lisova Yu. A., Marukhniak H. I.

Characteristic of oat genotypes by the main economic and biological parameters

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-3   Pdf PDF

Karasevych N. V.The impact of fertilization on the productivity of clover-timothy mixture in the Precarpathian conditions

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-4   Pdf PDF

Kvasnitska L. S., Voitova H. P.

Water consumption of sunflower in the links of different crop rotations of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-5   Pdf PDF

Nazarchuk O. P., Moisiienko V. V.

Improvement of the elements of varietal technology of matricaria recutita cultivation in the Polissia zone of Ukraine

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-6   Pdf PDF

  Oleksiak V. M., Stasiv O. F.,Baistruk-Hlodan L. Z., Bilovus H. Ya.

Optimization of temperature modes for seed germination of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-7   Pdf PDF

Potapov A. V., Hrabovskyi M. B.

Formation of leaf surface area and photosynthetic indicators of sugar beet crops depending on microfertilizers .and fungicide protection systems

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-8   Pdf PDF

Smetana S. I., Buhryn L. M., Ilchyniak U. O., Pukalo D. L.

The nutrition of sowed grass stands depending from the fertilizer and the mode of use

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-9   Pdf PDF

Shcherba M. M., Kachmar O. Y., Dubytska A. O.,Vavrynovych O. V., Taravska O. V.

Effect of fertilizer on formation of spring barley productivity in short rotation crop rotations

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-10   Pdf PDF

Yatsukh K. I., Prystatska O. N., Nikishycheva K. S., Tymchuk I. S.

The influence of the complex application of poisons, growth stimulants and microfertilizers for pre-sowing seed treatment on root rot affection and productivity of winter wheat

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-11   Pdf PDF



Rivis Y. F., Postoienko V. O., Saranchuk I. I., Stadnytska O. I., Klym O. Ya., Diachenko O. B., Shelevach A. V., Hopanenko O. O.

Reproductive ability of queen bees under the influence of heavy metals and fatty acids of bee pollen

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-1   Pdf PDF

fеdаk V. d., Pоlulikh М. І., Sтаdnytskа О. І., Ilnytska H. V.

Pulmonary gas exchange in heifers and milk productivity of firstborn cows of the simental breed of the Precarpathians of different constitution types

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-13   Pdf PDF

Diachenko O. B., Sedilo H. M., Tesak H. V.

Content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids and Zinc in the tissues of fattening young cattle with additional introduction to their diet of a mixture of sunflower and flaxseed oils and different doses of zinc sulfate

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-1-14   Pdf PDF

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Твір "FOOTHILL AND MOUNTAIN AGRICULTURE AND STOCKBREEDING", створений Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection of the Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian region NAAS, ліцензовано на умовах Ліцензії Creative Commons Зазначення Авторства 4.0 Міжнародна.