VOLUME (75)-1


VOLUME (75)-1


Bilonizhka Kh. V.

Influence of extra-root application of micro fertilizers on the yield of oil radish seeds in the Carpathian region

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-1   Pdf PDF

Voloshchuk M. Yu.

Formation of yield of white mustard seeds depending on the level of mineral nutrition of plants

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-2   Pdf PDF

Davydiuk H. V., Shkarivska L. I., Klymenko I. I., Dovbash N. I., Povydalo M. V.

Ecological and agrochemical assessment of the condition of soils in rural settlements of the Lviv region

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-3   Pdf PDF

Demydov O. A., Derhachov O. L., Siroshtan A. A., Kavunets V. P., Zaima O. A., Shevchenko T. V., Bordiuh A. M.

Influence of previous crops and sowing terms on yield and sowing qualities of soft winter wheat seeds

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-4   Pdf PDF

Drozdova A. A., Moisiienko V. V.

Formation of yield and quality of seeds of Nigella species depending on the elements of cultivation technology

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.20234-(75)-1-5  Pdf PDF

Karasevych N. V., Dziubailo A. H., Martsinko T. I., Behei S. S., Sladkovska T. A.

Dynamics of density of legume-grass stand depending on fertilization in the conditions of the Precarpathia

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-6   Pdf PDF

Mostovʼiak I. I., Krykunov I. V., Shuvar A. M., Tanasov S. S., Senyk I. I., Sydoruk H. P.

The influence of fungicide treatments on the development of fusarious diseases of corn in the conditions of the western Forest-Steppe

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-7   Pdf PDF

Pavlov A. I.

Productivity of the first tuber generation of hybrid populations of potatoes

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-8   Pdf PDF

Padalko T. O., Ovcharuk V. I.

Features of growth and development of Matricaria chamomilla L. plants depending on the autumn sowing period in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-9   Pdf PDF

Smetana S. I., Pukalo D. L., Shevchenko T. V.

Economic evaluation of sown grasslands depending on the composition of grass mixtures and fertilizer

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-10   Pdf PDF

Tyrus M. L., Lykhochvor V. V., Olifir Yu. M.

Green mass of amaranth as an alternative of mineral fertilizers

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-11   Pdf PDF


Dankiv V. Ya., Petryshyn M. A., Pavlyshak Ya. Ya.

Productivity of cows of the western inbred type of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed with different selection options

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-12   Pdf PDF

Kryvoruchko Yu. I., Nahornyi S. A., Prudnikov V. H., Skliarenko O. V., Korkh I. V.

Breeding resources of dairy cattle in Ukraine

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-13   Pdf PDF

Petryshyn M. A., Kohut M. I., Fedak V. D., Polulikh M. I., Shelevach A. V., Stadnytska O. I., Ilnytska H. V.

Dynamics of body weight growth of repair heifers of ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, …obtained from different selection options

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-14   Pdf PDF

Podobied L. I., Sediuk I. Ye., Prusova H. L., Kosov M. O.

The response of the productivity of milk cows to the duration of time before the start of watering after milking

DOI: 10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-1-15   Pdf PDF

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