

 I. VOLOSHCHUK. Impact of climate change on growing of winter wheat seeds in the zone of western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

A. VOLOSHCHUK, A. KOVALCHUK. Productivity of varieties different ecological type of winter triticale for growing in the zone of the western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

M.HALAN, R. ROP, R. HUK. Efficiency of spontaneous inoculation by nodule bacteria of vetch (Vicia pannonica L.) at conditions western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

A. DATSKO. Characteristic of oat collection samples different ecology-geographic origin at conditions of western Forest-Steppe

A. DOROTA, А. SHUVAR. Study of the initial material for breeding of fiber-flax and flax-intermedia in the conditions of the western Forest-Steppe


О. DUBYTSKY, O. KACHMAR, A. DUBYTSKA, O. VAVRYNOVYCH, M. SHCHERBA. Agrophysiological traits of growth and development of winter wheat leaves upon conditions of ecologically safe fertilizers systems

A. LYKHOCHVOR, M. MATKOVSKA. Yield of different variety winter barley depending on fertilizer rates, growth regulators and fungicides under conditions of the western Forest Steppe

YU. OLIFIR, Т. PARTYKA, O. GAVRYSHKO. Influence of long-term use of fertilizers and their aftereffect on fertility indicators of light gray forest surface gleyed soil

T. PARTYKA, Z. HAMKALO. Estimation of potentially bioavailable organic matter in soils of different genesis as a criterion for their ecological quality

I. TYMCHUK, М. MALOVANYY, K. YATSUKH. Tymchuk I. Use of capsular mineral fertilizers for the reduction of antropogenic pressure on ground microflora



R. HUNCHAK, H. SEDILO. Productive action of addition iodine aquacitrate in sows` rations

V. DANKIV. Productive and external characteristic of Simmenthaler breed cows of the Carpathian region of different lines

A. DYACHENKO. Сontent of non-esterified forms of fatty acids in red blood cells of cows in the dry and postpartum periods and their correction

O. KLYM. Heavy metals and fatty acids contents in the phospholipid tissues of the honey bees in different natural areas of the Carpathian region

M. KOHUT, V. BRATYUK, O. STADNYTSKA, V. KAPLINSKY. Estimation of population-genetic parameters of the basic productive qualities of cows of different lines Simmental breed

R. MYLOSTYVY, V. KOZYR. Productive longevity of Holstein https://phzt-journal.isgkr.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/zbirnik/62us/cattle of different ecogenesis in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine

A. ROMANCHUK, I. RIVIS. Content of nonsterified liquid acids in blood plasma and productive features of cows at presence in their diet of coffee slurry

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Твір "FOOTHILL AND MOUNTAIN AGRICULTURE AND STOCKBREEDING", створений Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection of the Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian region NAAS, ліцензовано на умовах Ліцензії Creative Commons Зазначення Авторства 4.0 Міжнародна.