Requirements for registration of articles

Requirements for registration of articles.

Author Guidelines

General requirements

The journal publishes original articles on actual issues of plant growing, agriculture, fodder production, agrarian chemistry, plant breeding, seed production, plant protection, physiology, biochemistry, feeding and animal breeding.

The journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications (agricultural sciences). Electronic editions of the publication are placed on the site of the Institute and transferred to the repository storage in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and are presented on the portal in the information resource “Scientific periodicals of Ukraine”. Journal is indexed in Google Scholar.

Articles should be submitted in Ukrainian or English in two hard copies (one with signatures of the authors, for postgraduate students – with signature of scientific supervisor) with expert conclusion as well as on CD-R in a format *.doc (Microsoft Word 2007).

Document layout options:

  • paper size – A5;
  • extent of the paper: from 15 up to 25 pages;
  • font – Times New Roman, size – 10 pt, line spacing – 1.5;
  • margins: upper – 2.5 cm, bottom, left, right – 2 cm;
  • pages are not numbered.

The original articles should have the following structure:

  • UDC index (normal font, left alignment, size 8);
  • initials and last names of the authors, their scientific degrees (bold font, left alignment, size 8);
  • authors’ affiliation (names of the organizations, where authors work) (normal font, left alignment, size 9);
  • full postal address of the institutions, e-mail of the authors (italics, left alignment, size 9);
  • title (capital letters, bold, left alignment, size 10);
  • abstract (50-100 words, italics, size 10, do not repeat the information contained in the title of the article);
  • keywords (5-10 words or phrases, italics, size 10);
  • introduction (bold font);
  • materials and methods (bold font);
  • results and discussion (bold font);
  • conclusions (bold font);
  • references according to DSTU 8302-2015 (bold font, in alphabetical order (first Cyrillic, then Latin), from 30 to 40 references, of which 50 % are publications, included in international scientometric databases, mainly recent publications for the last 10 years, with references in text);
  • abstracts in Russian and English (UDC index, last name and initials of the authors, title of the article, summary, keywords – size 9). The text is identical to the Ukrainian version, without machine translation.

The author’s summary must be prepared in English for posting on the journal’s website. The author’s summary must contain: UDC index, initials and last name of the author, authors’ affiliation, title of the article, article summary of at least 1800 characters (without spaces) – size 10). Please provide Ukrainian version the English summary in order to evaluate quality of the English text.

Figures should only be black and white, dashed, not scanned. Graphs should be done using Microsoft Graph or Microsoft Excel (authors should provide an Excel file with original data). The width of the figures and tables should coincide with the text’s borders, titles in bold font, alignment justified, without an indent. The word “table” is not used. Do not scan or draw tables. Do not duplicate data in figures with the tables. Do not use compressed or sparse font. Tables and figured may have notes in size 8, indent – 1 cm.

The filename is the last name and initials of the first author in Latin letters (for example, Ivanenko I.I.).

On a separate sheet full names of all co-authors, contact numbers, e-mail and postal address for delivery of the journal should be specified.

For PhD and doctoral students in the bottom of the first page the degree, initials and last name of the scientific supervisor or consultant should be indicated.

The content of the article should meet the requirements set forth in the Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (2003, No. 1).

The authors are requested to carefully read their articles by checking the accuracy of the provided scientific data and compliance with the requirements. The editorial board has the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements, to edit and reduce submitted materials.

Publication is free!


Panakhyd Halyna Yaroslavivna, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences , Executive Editor – +38 032 239 61 22, +38 067 294 20 60,


The articles should be sent  to the Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian Region NAAS (to editor), vul. Hrushevskoho 5, Obroshyne vill., Pustomyty district, Lviv region, 81115.

Ліцензія Creative Commons
Твір "FOOTHILL AND MOUNTAIN AGRICULTURE AND STOCKBREEDING", створений Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection of the Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian region NAAS, ліцензовано на умовах Ліцензії Creative Commons Зазначення Авторства 4.0 Міжнародна.